Database Programming
Web Database Project
are required to create a project and present this project to the class
at the end of the semester. You will work on teams (size to be
determined in class).
project may be any type of web
database project, or some type of project requiring complex querying.
Possible project topics are an ecommerce system, a contact list
application, a help-desk type of system, an email notification
system, or practically any kind of system that would require some kind
of database CRUD on a website. There are many sample projects,
in the materials that we have used in class, and many available
elsewhere. You are not required
to build the project from scratch. You may use one of the
projects that were demonstrated in class, or build upon examples that
were used in labs. However, you must modify the
code to your specifications. I will be in regular contact with
teams, so please get my approval if you would like to use modules of
code that you find on the web or other sources. It is primarily
the database elements (the ERD and the queries) that must be original.
The application requirements (with some presentation guidelines) of the project:
- Assume that this is a database for an organization/business. What is the title of this application?
- What is the organization/business for whom this application is being developed?
- What is the mission of this organization?
- What is the purpose of this application?
- Why will this application support the mission of the organization?
- Provide
an ER diagram of the database, both before and after any structural
changes. See point #3 under Technical Requirements.
- Walk through how this application is used, both as a user and as an adminstrator.
- During your demonstration, be sure to point out the technical
specifications below. But make sure that the technical features make
sense in the context of your application. For example, if you are
demonstrating an aggregate function, you might say, "This is a query
that tells us how many orders each customer has placed. This is
useful if we are trying to analyze repeat business."
- You will probably find it easier to take screen shots of your
data entry, validation and queries, and paste them into PPT
slides. In this way, your presentation will be smoother, you
won't rely upon scrolling through results or navigating through your
application during your presentation. In addition, you won't have
any unpleasant surprises if your server goes down or any other
unanticipated issues arise.
Some of the technical specifications/components of the project:
- The project should be written using Python and MySQL, and should use Flask with Flask-MySQLAlchemy.
- You
may add css and/or javascript, but the emphasis in this course is on
database programming. You may certainly incorporate bootstrap, as
shown in class.
- Include
at least one structural change to the database using DDL.
(Create, Alter, Drop). Clearly, your application will be written on one
version of the design. So you may satisfy this requirement by
discussing what changes in the business requirements might precipitate
a change in the design, and how would you implement that? An
example would be: the design is based on the reality that every
employee is assigned to exactly one department. But the company
has changed its management structure to a more project-based structure,
and now, employees can be assigned to multiple departments. This
necessitates a change in the cardinaly of department:employee from 1:n
to m:n. This now requires a new relationship entity. Other
examples might include changing the format of a zip code from XXXXX to
- Provide the DDL as well as the INSERT SQL for creating the tables and initially populating the database.
You may do this in any text editor and then paste into the SQL window
of PHMyAdmin, or you may use the DDL from the terminal or from within a
Python program, as demonstrated in class.
- Include
at least one insertion of a new record that will occur during the
of the application. This will most likely be as the result of a
transaction or some component that should be added to the
database. For instance, in our labs, we added a department, and
we also added an employee-project assignment. Both of these
required the insertion of a new record in the database. In
regular SQL, this would use the INSERT statement. However, you
should use Flask-SQLAlchemy for this purpose.
- Include at least one update of a record--changing an existing record, not adding a new one. Use SQLAlchemy.
- Include at least one delete of a record. Use SQLAlchemy.
- Include at least one simple SELECT SQL statement.
Use regular SQL for this. This will require a database connection
using one of packages that were showed in Lab-4-connect.
- Include one query using Flask-SQLAlchemy filter or filter_by.
- Inlcude at least one SELECT using an aggregate function. Use regualr SQL for this.
- Include at least one SELECT using a compound condition using
regular SQL, and also the equivalent of a compound condition select using
- Include at least one JOIN query using SQL, and also one using Flask-SQLAlchemy.
- Include at least one subquery. Regular SQL. Excellence points if you also use Flask-SQLAlchemy.
- Use a form to collect user data, as shown in our CRUD labs.
- Populate a field on a form or table from the database. This would most likely be for your update, and you can model this directly off of our examples in class.
- Check for empty data fields. You can use the built-in validations for this.
- Implement
referential intergrity. Demonstrate what happens when it is
violated. Or, if you constructed your program so that it can't be
violated, demonstrate how it references a primary key and prevents a
vioaltion of referential intergrity. For example, if employee has
a foreign key deptNo that references the primary key deptNo in the
relation Department. If you populate a drop-down box with
existing department numbers, this will prevent the user from entering
an invalid department number, thereby enforcing referential integrity.
We did something similar in Lab-4-c. If you just have a text box, the user can enter a department
number that doesn't exist, and you can demonstrate that this will cause
a referential integrity error. Either method is fine, but be
clear on what you are trying to achieve and demonstrate.
- Use an appropriate structure for your project package.
Any of the structures that we used in class is fine. I would
recommend using the structure that we used for Lab-4-c, as that is a
good starting point for the project.
Excellence points can be earned for:
- Using additional flask or flask-sqlalchemy features that we did not cover in class.
- Using additonal WTForms components that we did not cover in
class. (Examples: importing other html form components that we
did not demonstrate in class; check boxes, radio buttons, etc. multiple
drop-down boxes)
- A correlated subquery.
- A Flask-SQLAlchemy subquery.
- An especially complex query.
- An especially complex ERD.
- Additions to your html that add to the functionality,
navigability or appeal of your website. This includes bootstrap
that we didn't use in class.
- Javascript, JQuery, other client-side programming
- Negotiate with me--anything that adds a challenge or a difficulty
level to your application will be considered for excellence points!!
The more complicated your queries, the more points you will recieve.
Emphasis will be on understanding
the business value of the system and knowing how to apply the
appropriate technologies to the business needs as well as on
demonstrating proficiency in the ability to model a database and query
its contents.
What to submit: (See Presentation Guidelines for more detail)
- Your PPT presentation.
- A zip file with your entire application.
- A short report, listing the points listed above, with a short explanation of how and where you have included each component.